Saturday, November 19, 2011

Great show

The glam of air travel in the U.S died with this last Pan Am flight in 1991.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Love and rose...

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be

Life is for loving, there is no higher in purpose in
life than to love, be loved and share that love.
Love, I fear is not something that we choose, it just
happens. And love, no matter how hard anyone
may try to deny their need, is what sustains us. It
gives us strength, purpose and reason to love. Love
wraps it’s arms around us, though yet it may still,
bring us to our knees.

It is not an easy task, love. It is something that we
each must work at. It requires patience, honesty,
compassion, trust, acceptance, forgiveness,
selflessness, commitment and time. We live
in a world that is always on the go; too busy to stop,
to take the time to hear our loved ones, lend a
hand, a shoulder, our undivided attention. Yet, love
does not flourish with out those things. Like a
garden of Rose we must tend to our love, pull
carefully away the weeds that might take from our love
the nourishment that it needs.
Happiness is only completed if it is shared with others.
take care,